In this online course you will learn …

…  how to enquire about banking conditions, open a bank account, talk about money matters. At the end of the German A2 Step 4 course, you also know how to invite people to your house and explain them how to get there. You are able to describe itineraries, plan a trip, have a telephone conversation with a travel agent, and understand the traffic news.

To do these things, you will study …

German Grammar

  • Local prepositions: von, an … vorbei, bis zu, durch, entlang, gegenüber, …
  • Conjunction “deshalb“: Er mag Elefanten. Deshalb möchte er in den Zoo gehen.

  • Declension of adjectives without an article: günstiges Hotel mit schönen Zimmern direkt am Meer.

  • Indirect questions: Wissen Sie noch, was ich gesagt habe? Weißt du, ob ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen kann?

  • Verb “lassen“: Er lässt sein Auto waschen.

German Vocabulary

  • Banking terminology: das Bargeld, das Taschengeld, die Summe, monatlich, überweisen, …
  • Directions: die Richtung, die Kreuzung, abbiegen, die Ausfahrt, …
  • Traffic: der Stau, der Bürgersteig, der Radfahrer, …
  • Weather: der Nebel, der Sturm, das Gewitter, neblig, windig, …
  • Tourist destinations and activities: die Küste, das Gebirge, baden, eine Stadtführung machen, …

… and much more.


You can already say what you prefer. And you can ask others specific questions. You understand oral messages and can describe statistics.

To participate in the course, you need a computer, tablet or just a smartphone, a stable internet connection and a microphone and camera if they are not built into the device you are using.