In this course you will learn …

… everything you need to know to use public transportation in Germany. You will learn how to ask for and give directions. You will learn how to complain about items you bought that did not meet your expectations. After taking this course, you will be able to buy clothes, express preferences and ask for a favour. You will learn about customs and traditional holidays and festivals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and will be able to speak about festivals in your own country.

To be able to do these things, you will study …


  • Local prepositions “an, auf, bei, in, hinter“ … : Die Schule ist hinter der Kirche.
  • Temporal prepositions “vor, nach, bei, in“, …: In einer Stunde beginnt der Unterricht.

  • Verbs with prefixes “an-, aus-, auf-, zu-“ …: anmachen, ausmachen, zumachen, …
  • Demonstrative pronouns “der, das, die, dies“: Welcher Mantel gefällt dir?  – Der da.

  • Personal pronouns in the accusative and dative: mir, dir, …, mich, dich, …
  • Conjunction “denn“: Wir kaufen ein Geschenk, denn wir sind eingeladen.


  • Places in town: Kreuzung, Sportplatz, Busbahnhof, …
  • Clothes: der Pullover, das Kleid, die Jacke, …
  • Festivals: Weihnachten, Ostern,

… and much more.


You already know how to engage in simple everyday conversations, talk about your job, your daily routine and your health.

To participate in the course, you need a computer, tablet or just a smartphone, a stable internet connection and a microphone and camera if they are not built into the device you are using.