In this online course you will learn …

… to talk about food and drinks in a restaurant and to express satisfaction and dissatisfaction. You will learn how to defend your actions and opinions. You can provide precise information about places and you will listen to a radio interview about waste reduction and discuss with others about it.

To do these things, you will study …


  • Conjunction “weil“: Ich kann nicht kommen, weil ich keine Zeit habe.
  • Separable and non-separable verbs in the present perfect: Er hat schon viele Leute kennengelernt.

  • The genitive case of proper names, and the preposition “von“: Leas Mutter / die Mutter von Lea

  • Verbs and prepositions that can be followed by the dative or the accusative: auf dem Tisch stehen / auf den Tisch stellen

  • Adverbs of direction: hierhin, dahin, dorthin, rein, raus, runter


  • Family members: Onkel, Tante, Schwiegervater, …
  • Tableware and kitchen utensils: Messer, Gabel, Löffel, Pfanne, …
  • Food items in restaurants: Schnitzel, ein Stück Kuchen, Rinderbraten, …

… and much more.


You have successfully completed level A1 and can talk to people in German about everyday topics. You can ask and answer questions.

To participate in the course, you need a computer, tablet or just a smartphone, a stable internet connection and a microphone and camera if they are not built into the device you are using.